Case Uno-X


CDM Fuel Retail solution enables to avoid losing sales due to competitive pricing actions and equipment failure.

The Return on Investment is attractive due to significant increased revenue.

Succes Criteria

To establish a system that adjusts petrol pump prices and monitors central parameters at local petrol stations by means of:

  • A strategic price policy
  • Price war monitoring
  • Online monitoring of defects in petrol station on equipment


A price management solution that offers :

  • To handle each station as a micro market
  • To set up pricing ceilings for how much prices may be adjusted

An equipment monitoring system enabling you:

  • To create alarms when pumps/equipment are down


CDM Fuel Retail solution, obtain a tool to work with dynamic pricing on petrol stations,  and monitor down time on equipment at the same time.

Uno-X Gruppen is one of four business areas in Reitangruppen, beside REMA 1000, Reitan Convenience and Reitan Eiendom.

Uno-X is a chain of unmanned fuel stations throughout Norway and Denmark. It is operated as the low-cost section of YX Energi.  Today Uno-X Automat have a leading position in Denmark with 279 self-service stations.

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